ExactCure is developing an innovative personalized health solution for the proper use of medicines. Exactcure bio-models the effect of drugs in the body of each individual, based on their personal characteristics.
ExactCure is an artificial intelligence program that collects and processes existing scientific literature to perform simulations on a virtual patient (digital twin or avatar) and thus prevent drug risks linked on the one hand to the characteristics of the patient (weight, renal function , genetic mutations, etc.), on the other hand to interactions between drugs. In addition to patients and their doctors, pharmaceutical laboratories are interested in developing this solution, but also insurance companies and mutual insurance companies with the aim of preventing or controlling medication errors and adverse drug effects.
Wrong medications and medication errors kill five times more people than road accidents in developed countries. In France alone, medication errors or overdoses cost the health system 10 billion euros per year. To reduce the number of deaths, and involve the patient more in their treatment, ExactCure is a mobile application capable of anticipating the reactions and interactions of a drug in the human body. ExactCure also offers a personalized simulator to healthcare professionals to help them adapt doses to each patient.
Created in Nice by Frédéric Dayan, Sylvain Benito and Fabien Astic in 2018, ExactCure now has 25 employees. The company has developed a simple application for the user who creates a profile with their personal characteristics on their smartphone. Once this virtual twin is activated, the patient informs each medication intake. The digital twin simulates the effectiveness and interactions of medications in an individual’s body based on their personal characteristics. The patient gains autonomy to avoid underdoses, overdoses and drug interactions. Healthcare professionals can also remotely monitor the patient in real time.
Exactcure technology results from several years of fundamental research in bio-modeling with INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation)
Exacture offers a double breakthrough innovation:
1. Innovation in use: the patient can now visualize the effect of medications in their own body, and thus be better informed.
2. Technological innovation: Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to take into account the personal characteristics of an individual (age, weight, sex, renal status, etc.) to simulate the interactions and effectiveness of each drug. Their Machine Learning algorithms are also capable of continuously adjusting based on qualitative feedback from the patient.
ExactCure's cutting-edge technology has already been adopted by major healthcare players such as Vidal, UPSA, Elsevier, and in the United States with Tabula Rasa Healthcare, leader in multi-drug interactions. Various projects are underway with hospitals (AP-HP, AP-HM, CHU Nice, CHU Limoges, etc.) on various pathologies (oncology, neurology, transplants, rheumatology, soon in cardiovascular, rare diseases, etc. )
ExactCure a le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de l’app de bon usage de la pharmacie Med&Moi, avec le soutien institutionnel d’UPSA. Med&Moi inclut une fonctionnalité innovante de simulation de l’effet des doses selon l’âge, le poids, la taille et le sexe de chaque membre de la famille pour respecter l’intervalle entre les doses et ainsi limiter les risques de surdosage ou sous-dosage. L’app fournit également des informations personnalisées sur le médicament en complément des conseils des professionnels de santé : de la posologie à la notice complète, les éventuelles interactions médicamenteuses, les contre-indications et les risques d’allergie.
Press release :
The 3 co-founders Frédéric Dayan, CEO Sylvain Benito, Scientific Director Fabien Astic, Director of Business Development |