Alia Santé is a company of experts in artificial intelligence serving health. Our team has been working since 2020 on the design of artificial intelligence models, together we have created a segmentation and scoring model for alopecia, models for automating osteo-articular measurements in radiology, a data classification module medical examination on PACS…
Drawing on these experiences, we have identified and defined model design methodologies to accelerate the creation of completely new artificial intelligence models. We wish to put this experience at the service of Medtech, Biotech and laboratories through a platform for storage, management, annotation and generation of synthetic health data.
This platform contains synthetic data generation models allowing the creation of virtual cohorts, from digital twins to real life data.
Alia Health

Address :
1 Place Pierre Potier31100 Toulouse
Category : TPE
Business focus(es): Medical devices | e-health
For more information