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Business portrait | Semeia

29 October 2024

Portrait d’entreprise | Sêmeia

Created in Toulouse in 2017, Semia develops simple, intuitive and effective support solutions for patients suffering from serious or chronic illnesses.

In close collaboration with health professionals and patients, Sêmeia has developed a medical telemonitoring platform which automatically collects patient data (care pathway, biological analyses, etc.) and analyzes it using algorithms. artificial intelligence to anticipate future risks (treatment interruptions, complications, rehospitalizations, etc.).

Operating in eight therapeutic areas and CE certified, Sêmeia's tools allow healthcare teams to improve patient monitoring and care, better anticipate necessary interventions and manage their patient flow more effectively by targeting the right people. patients at the right time.

Sêmeia solutions identify the patients most at risk (treatment cessation, re-hospitalizations, complications, etc.) and critical periods (taking certain medications, time after hospitalization, etc.) to intervene with them in an appropriate manner.

Thanks to algorithms powered by Health Insurance data, enriched with clinical information, Sêmeia puts all the power of artificial intelligence and Deep Learning at the service of medical decisions and better estimate the risk of the appearance of a adverse event or a break in the patient care pathway.

The company has 56 employees.

The products

MentaWise : Bipolar, Depression, Schizophrenia

Mentalwise part of the experiment Article 51 – Care pathway for bipolar patients (Passport BP) supported by the Fondamental Foundation. It has been used since 2020 by 5 expert establishments (Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, Besançon University Hospital, CH Le Vinatier, CH Moulins-Yzeure and Henri Mondor AP-HP University Hospitals) to monitor 2,000 patients suffering from bipolar disorder. In 2021, MentalWise is expanding to monitor patients suffering from depression.

NephroWise : Transplant monitoring and stage IV and V renal failure

OncoWise : Cancers

DiabetoWise : Diabetes

CardioWise : Heart failure; Diabetes / hypertension and stroke

PneumoWise : Sleep apnea, COPD and Asthma

DigestWise : Inflammatory diseases of the colon and intestine

RhumatoWise : Rheumatoid arthritis