Université Côte d’Azur and Sophia Antipolis, Europe’s leading technology park, are organizing the fourth edition of the SophI.A Summit on November 17, 18 and 19, 2021, an international symposium presenting recent advances in Artificial Intelligence and its applications. This symposium offers a premier forum for exchanges and meetings between researchers from both public institutes and private companies. The event offers a unique opportunity for researchers working at the cutting edge of AI to maintain technical currency, and to network with leading experts.
Sophia Summit 2021 will take place in Sophia Antipolis, and will be available on line.
Submission Process: Contributions are solicited on the following topics, in the form of speeches, poster or demonstrations.
– Developments in the foundations of AI
– AI and health,
-AI and biology,
– AI and smart territory,
– AI and management,
– Sustainable AI
Proposals must be submitted via the submission site https://sophiasummit21.sciencesconf.org Please submit at your earliest convenience, and no later than August 30, 2021. Submissions should be drafted in English and may concern ongoing work, reviews or even contributions that have already been presented/published in other conferences. Each submission will have to include up to 6 keywords, for classification purposes. All selected talks may be presented on the conference premises, or online by visioconferencing. Details will be provided to the authors in due course.
We welcome submissions for talks, paper, or demo pertaining to the conference themes. Submissions for a talk take the form of a 4,000-character abstract (including spaces) accompanied by 3 to 5 bibliographic references. An appendix in PDF format (e.g., to provide a figure or image) can be added to the submission. Submissions for a poster take the form of a 2,500-character abstract (including spaces) accompanied by 3 to 5 bibliographic references. An appendix in PDF format (e.g., to provide a figure or image) can be added to the submission. If the poster is selected for presentation, a 180s video will be requested at a later stage. Submissions for a demo take the form of a 2,500-character abstract (including spaces). Demos of commercial AI tools are not suitable. The abstract must justify how the
demonstrated AI tools apply to use cases that raise issues of general interest. If the poster is selected for presentation, a 180s video will be requested at a later stage.
Calendar: – Proposal submission deadline: August 30, 2021 – Feedback from the reviewers: September 15 to September 30, 2021 – Registration Opening: September 1, 2021. – Early registration Closure: October 15, 2021 – Conference dates: November 17, 18 and 19, 2021
Symposium language: English
Keynote Speakers: Keynote speeches will be provided on each topical theme.
Scientific Committee: • Pierre Alliez, Inria • Charles Bouveyron, Université Côte d'Azur • Hervé Delingette, Inria • Ludovic Dibiaggio, Skema • Jonas Hoffmann, Skema • Olivier Humbert, Center Antoine Lacassagne • Gianni Liti, CNRS • Nadia Maïzi, Ecole des Mines • Theodore Papadopoulo, Inria • Laurent Pilati, NXP • Frédéric Precioso, Université Côte d'Azur • Emmanuel Viale, Accenture • Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling, Inserm
Organizing Committee: • Stéphane Descombes, Côte d'Azur University • Etienne Delhaye, Sophia Club Entreprises • Dorothée Lamé Laroche, Sophia Antipolis Urban Community • Olivier Lubrano, Côte d'Azur University • Stéphanie Morales, Sophia Antipolis Urban Community • Valeria Neglia, University of Côte d’Azur
Media Relations:
• Delphine Sanfilippo, Côte d’Azur University