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Artificial intelligence (AI) at the service of intellectual property (IP)

Grasse - Grassebiotech 45 Bd Marcel Pagnol, GRASSE, ArômaGrasse activity zone, France

Ce rendez-vous sera l'occasion idéale de rencontrer l'équipe d'Eurobiomed et ses experts, et d'échanger autour du thème : *L'intelligence artificielle (IA) au service de la propriété intellectuelle (PI), qui sera abordé par Caroline de MAREÜIL-VILLETTE, associée fondatrice du cabinet ICOSA.

Enosis Santé Webinar: Non-dilutive financing in the United States

Webinar Webinar, France

Enosis Santé, l'alliance des pôles de compétitivité santé français, vous invite à un webinaire dédié aux financements non dilutifs aux États-Unis, organisé en partenariat avec Freemind. Découvrez comment accéder à ces opportunités uniques pour soutenir vos projets d'innovation en santé sans dilution de votre capital. Ce webinaire vous fournira des clés pratiques pour maximiser vos […]

Microbiotes and Health Day as part of the ENOSIS partnership

Lyonbiopôle Lyonbiopôle, EKLAA Building, 63 Av. Tony Garnier, Lyon, France

The Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes competitiveness cluster invites you to the 8th Microbiotes and Health Day on January 23, 2025, in Lyon. This day is a unique opportunity for microbiota stakeholders (academics, clinicians, industrialists) to come together around current topics that bring innovation.


Toulouse - Hôtel Dieu Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jacques 2 rue Charles Viguerie, TOULOUSE, France

Unprecedented in Europe, the highly anticipated Toulouse Onco Week (TOW) is set to return for its fourth edition, which will take place from February 2nd to 7th 2025 and coincide with World Cancer Day.

3rd Public Consultation Webinar – Medical device sector

Webinar Webinar, France

Take part in the webinar dedicated to the public consultation on the medical device sector. This webinar aims to present this initiative aimed at collecting key information from economic players in the sector, such as legal manufacturers and distributors. The emphasis will be placed on industrial issues, in order to better understand the challenges and needs of the sector.

Digital technology for better care in dermatology

Nice - Hub de l'innovation 61-63 avenue Simone Veil, NICE

Face à l'augmentation des troubles cutanés et à la raréfaction de professionnels spécialisés en dermatologie, de nombreux patients se retrouvent aujourd’hui dans une situation d'errance médicale, allant jusqu’à renoncer à se faire soigner.

Skin Summit

Antibes - Convention center 60 Chemin des Sables, ANTIBES

The SKIN Summit, an international dermatology congress, is the 1st edition of an event that will take place in the magnificent town of Antibes/Juan-les-pins in South of France on French Riviera on April 24 and 25, 2025. This first edition will combine knowledge and innovation in a stimulating scientific meeting on dermatology, a theme particularly well-recognized on the Côte d'Azur.