Eurobiomed partner of the #CRIBS project led by the Montpellier University Hospital
Dans le cadre de ...
The SoleCooler company, created in 2019 in ...
Supported and certified by Eurobiomed, the project financed within the framework of the PIA3 South Region – Feasibility component – closed successfully last July
Supported and certified by Eurobiomed, the project financed as part of the i-Nov wave 3 competition closed successfully last December.
Are you carrying out an innovative business project in the health sector?
pharma/biotech, e-health, medtech/medical device, Apply!
This call for applications will allow startups...
Chers adhérents, C'est l'heure du bilan ! Notre partenariat avec le groupement d'achats HAXONEO a permis de réaliser des économies à 85 adhérents EUROBIOMED sur l'année 2022!
Haxoneo, a purchasing group for VSEs, SMEs and ETIs. Since 2011, Haxoneo has offered “major account” pricing conditions for all your professional purchases, negotiated by pooling the purchasing volumes of its 15,000 members.
Eurobiomed members, benefit from the services of our partner Haxoneo for free!
Whatever the development phase of your company or your pro-defense project, you can find in 3 clicks the systems that meet your needs, among the 202 assistance systems listed (149 in the previous version).
Respond to the major national survey launched by France Biotech!