We started from several observations:
-First of all, the real “obstacle course” that the choice, for the uninitiated, of a psychotherapist for oneself or for a loved one can represent. To answer this, EANQA provides a support path from registration in order to guide the user towards the right psychotherapy, the right professional, resources and discussion groups adapted to their problem. Ultimately, our ambition is to develop this support process by combining it with a pre-diagnosis support tool.
-We also noted that there are no secure online exchange sites allowing the sharing of personal experiences. EANQA offers a set of “social” features whose aim is to create a community within which users can share their life experiences in complete security (HDS) and with the moderation of our professional members.
Other Sides (EANQA)
Address :
8 Avenue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes81000 Whites