Every year, 1 in 5 French people suffer from a psychiatric disorder that can have a chronic and severe course.
The implementation of public health policies for the management of psychiatric disorders represents a real economic and social challenge for our society.
The main objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness about the importance of mental health around the world.
As part of this awareness-raising, Eurobiomed invites you on October 8, 2024 to its Biorezo: “Mental health disorders: What solutions for the future?
This event aims to encourage cross-sector collaborations in order to create real opportunities in the region.
Speakers will notably address topics such as technological and digital innovations for the monitoring and treatment of mental disorders.
Don’t miss this opportunity to exchange!
Welcoming participants
Eurobiomed | Un acteur au service de la structuration des filières d'excellence du territoire.
Emilie ROYERE, General Director
MyFamilyUp | L'Intelligence Artificielle au service du bien-être mental des familles et des professionnels.
Marie-Françoise Bertrand Guerrero, Fondatrice & Présidente
Psychonos | A revolution in the diagnosis of bipolar disorders
Grégory Perraud & Nicolas Glaichenhaus, CEO & CSO
Semeia | Care pathway for bipolar patients guaranteeing in-depth and complete follow-up
Pierre Hornus CEO