Toulouse / 3 Avenue Hubert Curien

Flash Therapeutics is a biotech company that designs, develops and manufactures DNA and RNA transfer technologies dedicated to innovative cell and gene therapies. Through its scalable bioproduction processes, the company offers a manufacturing continuum (from discovery to therapy) to accelerate proof of concept for new drugs in the clinic. In particular, the LentiFlash® delivery technology mediated by a lentiviral particle transporting exclusively RNAs, is dedicated to vaccination studies, gene editing and other therapeutic approaches.

Business axis :


Category : PME
Legal form : SAS
Website :
Turnover :

3,283,067.00 K€

Contact :

 ICHE Alexandra
Gene Engineering Project Manager
Email : alexandra.iche@flashtherapeutics.com
Gene Engineering Manager
Email : lucille.lamouroux@vectalys.com
 BOUILLE Pascale
Email : pascale.bouille@flashtherapeutics.com
 DUTHOIT Christine
chef de projet ingénierie cellulaire et immunologie
Email : christine.duthoit@flashtherapeutics.com
Contrats & Intellectual Property Manager
Email : sandy.darrigan@flashtherapeutics.com