B Molecular SAS

Toulouse / 1 Place Pierre Potier Canceropôle Entrée B

Création :

Based in Toulouse, France, B Molecular focuses on providing best-in-class biotech research tools. B Molecular is specialized in generating tools and technology to explore processes regulated by Ubiquitin family members. Products - Affinity matrices: high affinity tools (molecular traps) to purify, identify and study processes regulated by ubiquitin family members: Ubiquitin, SUMO, LC3/GABARAP - Quantification kits: quantitate enrichment of ubiquitin family members in response to distinct stimuli or pathology (various microarrays formats) Services - Mass spectrometry to identify cellular factors enriched in a sample (using molecular traps) - High-throughput screening services using libraries of chemical compounds (Alphalisa, Delfia)

Axe métier :

Dispositifs Médicaux



Catégorie : TPE
Forme juridique : SAS
Effectif : 2
Site web :
Chiffre d'affaire :

0.00 K€

Technologies référence :