The Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, and the biotech company AlgenScribe from France have agreed to cooperate to further develop their gene-editing tools. The aim is to utilize synergies, accelerate research, and ultimately develop cell therapies for genetically determined diseases.
Created in Toulouse in 2005, ABIONYX Pharma is a ...
Eurobiomed partner of the #CRIBS project led by the Montpellier University Hospital
Au sein du CERIMED, situé sur le site de la faculté de médecine de Marseille, les membres de l'équipe ont mené des tests d'efficacité du produit.
Cilcare, a pioneering biotechnology company in hearing sciences and the development of new therapies for hearing disorders and associated diseases, has the great pleasure of sending you its latest press release announcing the signing of an exclusive license option agreement with Shionogi.
La société Rofim, adhérente d'Eurobiomed, fait parti des 3 start-up française à intégrer le programme "Google for Startups".
Eurobiomed is pleased to welcome you on June 19 and 20, 2024, in Aix-en-Provence, for two absolutely unmissable events.
Allianz Trade & Inclusive Brains join forces to foster the inclusion of people with disabilities thanks to AI and neurotechnologies.
Quantum Genomics annonce avoir obtenu l’approbation de l'Assemblée Générale des Actionnaires sur la réduction de son capital social et sur l’apport en nature de 100% des titres d’ExactCure.
The EFFI-CLIN project, of which the company HISTALIM is a partner, aims to offer a new cancer immunotherapy adapted to the immunological profile of each tumor according to the concept of personalized medicine by targeting a new generation of immune checkpoints.
Created in 2013, Phenocell is based in Grasse (06) in ...
REGEnLIFE is a medtech based in...