
St Maximin la Sainte Baume / 1211 Chemin Aurélien

Heegee is a future DTx (digital medical device) whose mission is to democratize access to supportive care for patients affected by cancer or a chronic disease in their care pathway. In concrete terms, Heegee supports patients on a daily basis between 2 medical appointments with video content to help them understand and act autonomously, in order to improve therapeutic compliance and quality of life, reduce side effects, increase the chances of recovery and limit the risk of recurrence. Heegee is a digital and human support system, adapted to the current needs of your pathology. To understand your pathology and treatment, and learn how to take charge of your own health. To take action and no longer feel alone in your pathology: - physical activity sessions adapted to current abilities - peer workshops (therapeutic education, nutrition, intimate health, sleep, chronic disease and work)

Business axis :

Medical devices


Category : TPE
Legal form : SAS
Number of employees : 2
Website :
Turnover :

20.00 K€