
NICE / 36 boulevard Gorbella


Biometrics for diagnostic and therapeutic decision making of neurodevelopmental and associated mental health disorders in children & adolescents Today, 1 child out of 6 suffer from neurodevelopmental and related mental disorders but only 8% are diagnosed due to clinical complexity, to a shortage of health practitioners and high costs. The process is long and difficult for both children and health professionals. Labelled DeepTech, O-Kidia develops software applications to support diagnose and therapy decision making for children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, Dys, ICT, etc.) and associated disorders (sleep, anxiety, etc.). These applications are based on digital epidemiology and combine biometrics, biomarkers and the latest machine learning models to identify detectable and measurable markers to replace clinical questionnaires but not the expertise of health practitioners.

Business axis :

Medical devices



Category : TPE
Legal form : SAS
Number of employees : 4
Website :
Turnover :

0.00 K€