PredictCan Biotechnologies

Montpellier / 57 Avenue Théroigne de Méricourt

PredictCan Biotechnologies is a new startup that develops innovative tools for early detection of solid cancers and to strengthen anticancer drugs development pipelines. With a long-lasting expertise in translational and personalized medicine, PredictCan Biotechnologies owns a unique technology for a fast and physiologic cellular reprogramming using clinical data from each patient. Combined with AI, this technology allows an early detection of precancerous signatures from a blood sampling, as well as the generation with high-fidelity of a cohort of cancer patients for a new approach of “clinical trials in a dish”.

Business axis :


- Toxicité médicamenteuse - Efficacité thérapeutique pour les molécules anticancéreuses - Essais cliniques in vitro - Modèles dérivés du patient

Category : TPE
Legal form : SAS
Number of employees : 3
Website :
Turnover :

0.00 K€