A5 Science

Aix en Provence / Technopole de l'environnement Arbois


A5 Science is a specialized company in the research and development of measurement and analysis protocols dedicated to the characterization of surfaces and interfaces of biological origin, at a nanoscopic resolution, utilizing Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Our project aims to democratize the use of Atomic Force Microscopy, thus employed to promote the growth of biotechnologies and nanotechnologies, by providing an outsourced research service and a complete, dedicated, and specialized scientific pathway. The A5 Science startup conducts topographical and mechanical measurements using a nanometric local probe with the objective of characterizing biological samples under physiological and controlled conditions (temperature, gas, liquid).

Business axis :



Category : TPE
Legal form :
Number of employees : 2
Website :
Turnover :

0.00 K€

Reference technologies :