Marseille / 37 rue des Frères Pecchini

Luna is a startup committed to women's health, with a current focus on endometriosis. We have developed a personalized care pathway, combining digital and in-person, enabling a diagnosis to be made in 5 steps which take a few weeks to accomplish (compared with an average of 7 to 10 years' delay in diagnosis in Europe). At the same time, we're opening physical endometriosis screening centers, and expanding our care network through certified training courses for healthcare professionals. We have also developed a digital symptom and treatment tracking tool dedicated to patients - enabling them in a UX-friendly way to better understand their cycle, their body and improve their well-being. We plan to develop Luna Care, a SaaS for healthcare professionals, which will be directly connected to the medical data filled in on the patient's application (with mutual consent) - enabling them to take better decisions, notably on treatment choices, while enabling us to do research discoveries.

Business axis :

Medical devices



Category : TPE
Legal form : SAS
Number of employees : 5
Website :
Turnover :

0.00 K€