
Montpellier / 1095 Rue Henri Becquerel Immeuble le Stratège

Diag2Tec is a preclinical CRO devoted to hematological cancers (multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and leukemia). The treatments of these cancers are complicated and don't allow avoiding the different relapses in most patients. To answer the needs of pharmaceutical lab and biotechnology companies on the developing new targeted treatments in these hematological malignancies, Diag2Tec develops and proposes different preclinical services. The customized services use our unique cellular models (cell lines and primary cells from patients) and genomic data associated with solid expertise. Since his creation, Diag2Tec has developed partnerships with academic and hospital labs (CNRS, UM, and CHU) and purpose different services to the world's leading pharmaceutical companies.

Business axis :


Category : TPE
Legal form : SAS
Number of employees : 10
Website :
Turnover :

1,000,000.00 K€